During our free time which is during the weekends and Friday afternoon, we would play Hide and Seek and Tag. Since our house is at the foot of a mountain, my friends and I would take out old cardboard boxes and use it as a sled (the Philippine weather doesn't recognize Winter).
Okay! I'm tired of typing... LOL. Here's a quick intro of me adn as the title said, I'll try to keep it short:
Color/s: Pink, White
Food: Fries and burger
TV Show/s: F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Ally McBeal, Fact or Fake: Paranormal Files, The Walking Dead, Will and Grace, Gossip Girl, Criminal Minds
Fashion Style: Casual - loose shirt and jeans + Pumps
Fashionable thing: Bags
Other stuff: Gadgets
Song: Too many to mention (<-- Note the autograph-ish answer)
Memory: Nothing yet.
So, I guess that sums up who I am. You'll get to know me more once I'll add more posts.
Take care!
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