Thursday, December 29, 2011

An "I'll try to keep it short" introduction

My name is Charaze and I'm born on the 19th of February 1988. Yes, that makes me an 80's baby and old. LOL In line, I grew up playing the Family Computer and my fave games are (still) Mario, Ice Climber, Adventure Island, Mappy, Circus Charlie, Battle City, Nuts & Milk, Popeye and Pooyan - or at least the few games I can remember.

During our free time which is during the weekends and Friday afternoon, we would play Hide and Seek and Tag. Since our house is at the foot of a mountain, my friends and I would take out old cardboard boxes and use it as a sled (the Philippine weather doesn't recognize Winter).

Okay! I'm tired of typing... LOL. Here's a quick intro of me adn as the title said, I'll try to keep it short:

Color/s: Pink, White
Food: Fries and burger
TV Show/s: F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Ally McBeal, Fact or Fake: Paranormal Files, The Walking Dead, Will and Grace, Gossip Girl, Criminal Minds
Fashion Style: Casual - loose shirt and jeans + Pumps
Fashionable thing: Bags
Other stuff: Gadgets
Song: Too many to mention (<-- Note the autograph-ish answer)
Memory: Nothing yet.

So, I guess that sums up who I am. You'll get to know me more once I'll add more posts.

Take care!


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